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Troldtekt® mit FUTURECEM™
Akustikplatte aus Holz und CO2-reduziertem Zement
Troldtekt has developed a Cradle to Cradle-certified HWL panel in which the cement binder is replaced by the new, CO2-reduced cement type FUTURECEM. Troldtekt® based on FUTURECEM™ absorbs more CO2 than it emits during manufacture (phases A1–A3 in the EPD). It therefore has a negative CO2 balance in these phases. This is achieved because the wood in the acoustic panels absorbs CO2 as it grows. In addition, the production of acoustic panels at Troldtekt uses 97.7 percent renewable energy, which makes the negative CO2 balance possible.
Nils Bader
State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart
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